
AUTh @ Printable Flexible Wearable Electronic Symposium - CPES 2018

Prof. S. Logothetidis from AUTh has been invited by the organizers to participate for an Invited Presentation at the Printable Flexible Wearable Electronic Symposium (CPES 2018), 22-25/05/2018, Toronto, Canada, and the title of his presentation was: Intelligent Nanomanufacturing of Flexible Organic Electronic Devices: Towards the Industry 4.0. The SmartLine coordinator discussed with representatives from academic, research and industrial communities on the prospects of in-line metrology tools and methodologies and for future collaborations for the transfer of these innovations in the market. The participation in this event has been communicated to the SmartLine Project Officer. The benefit of this participation is that it facilitated the creation of connections between the SmartLine partners and the relevant stakeholders from Academia, Research and Industry from Canada and USA. These stakeholders are interested for the SmartLine innovations and results and open links are maintained, which are expected to further increase the impact of the project activities.

Project Information

call: H2020-FOF-08-2017

type of action: Innovation action

grant agreement no: 768707

acronym: SmartLine

title: Smart In-line metrology and control for boosting the yield and quality of high-volume manufacturing of Organic electronics

topic: In-line measurement and control for micro/nano-enabled high-volume manufacturing for enhanced reliability

duration: 39 months

starting date: 1 Sep 2017

This project has received funding from the European Union's HORIZON 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 768707.   eu flag