
Workshop on In-line & Real-time Metrology and Quality Control for Nano-Manufacturing

Smartline Project together with NANOTEXNOLOGY Organizing Committee organizes the Workshop on In-line & Real-time Metrology and Quality Control for Nano-Manufacturing, during NANOTEXNOLOGY 2019. The objective of the Workshop is the reveal the huge potentiality of in-line and real-time metrology methods (tools, measurement/analysis methodologies, protocols, integration concepts) to revolutionize the digital manufacturing of advanced materials, devices, components, processes and products based on Organic & Printed Electronics.

The Workshop topics include:

  • In-line/In-situ/Real-Time characterization tools and methodologies
  • Non-destructive metrology methods and tools
  • Novel Instruments and Improvements
  • Optical, Electrical, Structural, Visual characterization
  • Characterization protocols and standards
  • Modeling and analysis approaches
  • Integration concepts in pilot and production lines
  • Defect inspection from nano- to macro-
  • Thin film monitoring and optimization of processes
  • Feedback, Quality Control and Automation
  • In-line Process in Roll-to-Roll, Vacuum and Gas Transport
  • Manufacturing & Applications

Workshop International Organizing Committee (tentative, tbc)

S. Logothetidis, Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, AUTh, Greece
N. Li Pira, Centro Richerche FIAT, FCA Group, Italy
M. Klein, Suragus, Germany
E. Malguth, Laytec, Germany
T. Burke, IBS, The Netherlands
G. Winroth, European Commission, Belgium

You can find more information here.

Project Information

call: H2020-FOF-08-2017

type of action: Innovation action

grant agreement no: 768707

acronym: SmartLine

title: Smart In-line metrology and control for boosting the yield and quality of high-volume manufacturing of Organic electronics

topic: In-line measurement and control for micro/nano-enabled high-volume manufacturing for enhanced reliability

duration: 39 months

starting date: 1 Sep 2017

This project has received funding from the European Union's HORIZON 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 768707.   eu flag