
Smartline Press Conference and Press Release

The SmartLine Project Press Conference, successfully took place at the Center of Organic & Printed Electronics in Thessaloniki on 3rd October 2017. Prof. S. Logothetidis, Director of Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, Dr. A. Laskarakis, Head of the Organic Electronics Group of Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, and Mr. V. Matskos, CEO of Organic Electronic Technologies provided the journalists with an overview and answers on the EU funded Project, which started in September 2017 and is about to optimize the manufacturing of Organic Electronics and shape the Digitization of Industry.

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Press Release

  Read the press release (in greek).

Press Videos

Press Clippings (greek)

Below you can find some of the press clippings about the Smartline press conference.

Project Information

call: H2020-FOF-08-2017

type of action: Innovation action

grant agreement no: 768707

acronym: SmartLine

title: Smart In-line metrology and control for boosting the yield and quality of high-volume manufacturing of Organic electronics

topic: In-line measurement and control for micro/nano-enabled high-volume manufacturing for enhanced reliability

duration: 39 months

starting date: 1 Sep 2017

This project has received funding from the European Union's HORIZON 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 768707.   eu flag