SmartLine will be coordinated by the Nanotechnology Lab LTFN, which is established in the Physics Department of AUTh. LTFN is internationally acknowledged as a pioneer in Organic Electronics (OPVs, OLEDs, OTFTs, biosensors, etc.) and Plasmonics, Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, Thin Film Technology & Nanoenginnering, In-line Optical Technology and Nanometrology as also in Computational and Modelling at Nanoscale.
LTFN has established the Center of Organic & Printed Electronics – Hellas (COPE-H) for Research and Manufacturing of OE Devices for Applications in Energy, Displays, Lighting, Electronics, NanoBiomedicine, Smart Textiles, Smart Food Packaging, Greenhouses, etc. The Center has an area of 2000 m2 with clean room facilities of 600 m2 and includes state-of-the-art infrastructure and pilot lines (R2R printing, OVPD, CVD, S2S) for the manufacturing of large area OE devices. Its personnel consists of 35 scientists with specialized know–how and longtime experience covering Physics, Chemistry, Chemical and Electrical Engineering, Biology, Medicine, etc.
Over the last 25 years, LTFN has successfully coordinated several EU and national R&D projects that include the FP7 Large Scale Project “Smartonics”, FP7 REGPOT “RoleMak”, FP7 STREP ICT Project “OLAtronics”, FP6 STREP NMP “Flexonics”, FP5 STREP “TransMach”, FP4 “ISOTECH”, etc.). Also, it has participated in several EU funded R&D projects such as H2020 NMP-2014 “BASMATI”, FP7 Gladiator, H2020-NMP-2014 “NANOREG II”, FP7 COLAE, etc. and in numerous National R&D Projects.
LTFN coordinates from 2003 the Research & Innovation Network Nano|Net ( with more than 520 individual members worldwide and more than 1200 cluster members covering the fields of Nanobiosciences & Nano-technologies, coordinates the Hellenic Organic and Printed Electronics Association - HOPE-A ( and it organizes annually the NANOTEXNOLOGY multi-event ( that combines International Conferences, Summer Schools and Exhibitions on Nanotechnology, Organic Electronics and Nanomedicine.
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